Volunteer Spotlight
“When I joined the advisory board, I became aware that several other board members were long-time volunteers in the Infusion Center. I thought it would be a good way to better appreciate the experience of the people we ultimately serve. Being a retired nurse, I also missed being in a medical setting and interacting with patients and families. As a volunteer, I circulate through three floors of waiting rooms with a beverage cart. What has been particularly striking to me is the sincere gratitude expressed by patients and their families for both the simple comfort measures I provide and for the care they receive from the physicians and nurses. I realized as people ‘stack appointments,’ they often spend many hours in the center and it is an opportunity for them to receive other support services to ease the stress of a cancer diagnosis.” - Wendy Seay
"Volunteering at the Infusion Center has been an extremely meaningful experience. Having the ability to offer sustenance, comfort, and sometimes, solace, is a way of giving back to patients who are so grateful for all of the many small services that the volunteers provide.” - Ginny Semmes