Sarah Du Bose was born on February 2, 1994, at the University of Virginia Medical Center, 14 weeks early and weighing less than 3 pounds. She spent almost 4 months in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Caring and highly skilled doctors and nurses kept Sarah alive, nurtured her and supported her parents during a challenging and difficult time.
Today, Sarah is a thriving student. To thank the doctors, nurses and staff who provided such loving and nurturing care to their daughter, Sally and Charles Du Bose created the Du Bose Fund in 1997.
The Du Bose Fund

Making a Difference for Our NICU Patients
About 75% of the 1,700 deliveries at UVA each year are considered high-risk. There are more than 500 admissions to the 20-bed NICU and the 25-bed Intermediate Care Nursery. Fifty percent of these admissions are born in community hospitals or other centers in Virginia or surrounding states and are transported to UVA Health Children’s for needed care. A whole range of complex newborn medical problems are treated at UVA, including:
- Extremely small and premature babies (some weighing less than a pound and born as early as 4 months before their due date)
- Babies with respiratory, cardiovascular, neurologic and chromosomal abnormalities
- Babies who need immediate surgical service
Many of these babies require extended hospital stays of weeks to months. Donations to the Du Bose Fund help provide services and resources to these families. Contributions also build on UVA’s existing strengths in obstetric and neonatal care.
Donations have funded the following projects:
- A dedicated education space for families in the NICU
- Gas cards and food vouchers to meet the immediate needs of families
- Support for the continuing education of neonatal nurse practitioners
- Nursing and allied health education programs Special “Kangaroo” chairs for parents at bedside
To give a gift to the Du Bose Fund, please contact our team at