H. Blair Marsteller Lectureship

Each year an expert in neurodegenerative diseases will be invited to lecture at UVA. These lectures will further the expertise of our faculty, residents and fellows.
Born in Roanoke, Virginia, Blair attended high school at Woodberry Forest, in Orange, VA, where he excelled academically and athletically. Early on Blair was recognized for his leadership and humility. At the University of Virginia, he was a member of the Seven Society. He graduated from the College of Arts & Sciences ’77 and the School of Medicine ’81. As a student, he contributed selflessly to numerous organizations – Secretary to the College, member of the Honor Committee, IMP Society, Raven Society, Medical School Admissions Committee and the T.I.L.K.A. Society.
For 30 years, Blair was a neurologist and neurophysiologist at Riverside Hospital in Newport News, Virginia. He was dedicated to his patients and making a difference in their lives. Blair founded the first ALS clinic in Virginia and introduced neuromuscular ultrasound to the Riverside EMG lab. He was President of the Virginia Neurological Society. Please join us in remembering our friend and colleague.
To make a gift, please contact Hudson Clare, (434) 962-3675.
If you prefer to make a gift by check, please make it payable to:
UVA Medical School Foundation – Note – Blair Marsteller Lectureship
PO Box 800776
Charlottesville, VA 22908