Your gift to UVA Cancer Center is a gift for exceptional patient care, life-changing healthcare research, and unparalleled opportunities in education.
Investing in Hope
Spring 2024

Honoring the Patient Experience
A grateful spouse pays it forward for the patient support specialists who made all the difference.
Andy Levinsky

Special Message
Dr. Loughran shares his gratitude for recent accomplishments.
Thomas P. Loughran Jr., MD

A Different Answer to Fighting Cancer
A local business leader supports lung cancer prevention research in honor of his wife.
Andy Levinsky

At the Helm
Meet our new associate director for clinical affairs and physician lead of oncology services.
Katherine Ludwig

Webinar: ‘Hope in the Fight Against Blood Cancers’
UVA physician-scientists share their exciting pursuit of new treatments.
Katherine Ludwig

White House Leader Visits the Cancer Center
‘Cancer Moonshot’ official praised UVA Health’s patient navigation program.
Katherine Ludwig

Capacity for Care
With generous support, UVA’s clinical cancer spaces, services, and expertise have grown to meet patients’ needs across the region.
Katherine Ludwig