‘Can We Really Do This?’ How UVA Health Transformed Its New Tower to Fight COVID

‘Can We Really Do This?’ How UVA Health Transformed Its New Tower to Fight COVID

Fifty-six negative airflow rooms that suck air in rather than out. A new fan on the roof. And plans, years in the making, scrapped to fight a pandemic. Here’s how UVA Health transformed its nearly complete new tower into a COVID-19 ward.

UVA Today

girl with dr

The Doctor is in the House

UVA Joins National Trial to Test Potential COVID-19 Medication

UVA Joins National Trial to Test Potential COVID-19 Medication

UVA Health has joined the first national clinical trial testing a potential COVID-19 medication.

UVA Health Newsroom

How COVID-19 Affects Children Vital to Understanding, Slowing Pandemic, Doctors Say

How COVID-19 Affects Children Vital to Understanding, Slowing Pandemic

Researchers warn that scientists must not overlook children’s health needs and their role in transmitting the new coronavirus.

UVA Today

UVA Health Independently Develops New COVID-19 Tests

UVA Health Independently Develops New COVID-19 Tests

The new capability allows UVA Health to more broadly and immediately advance its service to the public during this crisis and will provide a better idea of the spread of COVID-19 in the area.

UVA Today