UVA Brain Institute:
A Multi-Disciplinary Approach
The UVA Brain Institute connects talented faculty and students across the University to develop better methods for understanding the brain; to seek new ways to prevent, treat, and cure brain diseases and injury; and to equip the next generation of neuroscientists and clinicians. Learn more.
Spotlight: Autism
Dr. Kevin Pelphrey is pioneering imaging and genomics techniques that are making it easier for doctors to diagnose autism, and that have implications for how we study other neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. Learn More
Life-Changing Discoveries
The latest breakthroughs in treating diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and epilepsy live at the University of Virginia. Your support helps make our most promising ideas come to life, moving discoveries in our labs to the patient's bedside. Learn more.
Care Tailored to our Patients' Needs
Providing the right care, at the right time, at the right place is the goal of UVA Health. We are pioneering new models of care for patients suffering from complex neurological conditions. Learn More.
A 21st Century Neuroscience Education
UVA is one of the few academic institutions that trains young doctors in emerging fields of science like neuroimmunonolgy. Learn how you can help foster the next generation of neuroscientists and clinicians. Learn more.