Leaders Create Leaders: Faculty Support
At the UVA School of Nursing, our faculty are the heart of our mission. They are leaders who foster the next generation of nurses. An investment in our School of Nursing faculty is also an investment in the students, patients, and families whose lives are touched by each faculty member. Learn more.
An Immediate Impact:
The Nursing Annual Fund
The Nursing Annual Fund is the School of Nursing’s only source of unrestricted income, or income not designated for a specific project, endowment, or scholarship. A donation to the Nursing Annual Fund is valuable because it provides the dean with flexibility to meet emerging needs of students and faculty. Learn more.
Compassionate Care Initiative
Today’s nurses and other healthcare professionals work in high-stress and complex environments, where attrition and burnout can contribute to depersonalized care, low morale, and costly and dangerous errors. Through the Compassionate Care Initiative, nurses understand that caring for themselves provides a foundation for the safe and exceptional care of others. Learn more.